Back Again!
After a huge absence I have finally found the time to restart this blog. This time I promise it will have more regular updates (in my defence, I did have a PhD to work on, and had to prioritise). As you may (or probably haven't) noticed, I have deleted the older content. This is to start afresh with all new and interesting stuff.
So what am I going to be posting? Well there has been a huge shift in focus in the games I play most. 40k has gone onto the back burner, being replaced with Infinity as my main game. In light of that, there will be an increased coverage of that in this blog. I will hopefully get some WIP painting of a couple of armies, and some shots and hopefully some BatReps on my shiny new Urban table. I have had a few small tournaments held recently for friends and people involved in gaming in my area, so I will hopefully grab a few of those gamers together to do a campaign or something for the blog. I will also do a few tutorials hopefully, using just the quick start rules, as Infinity can be daunting for outsiders.
As well as the Infinity stuff, I will post some stuff on terrain building and other games I play. There will be some 40k coverage, I will possibly do a gallery of my armies when I get the time to do the photography, and hopefully an 40k based Inquisitorial Warband ruleset (like Necromunda/Mordheim meets Inquisitor) if I finally get it finished lol.
Enjoy :)