Wednesday, 29 July 2015

WIP Stormhost Heroes

Finishing the last 2 of the Stormhost from starter set.  Will probably move onto another force then, most likely undead.

I have some GW minis on order and I got a box of 40 Mantic minis for £20, which I will use for summoned skeletons (been watching Hot Fuzz so nearly spelled it skellingtons!). These will bulk up the force nice as I don't really want to spend vast amounts on models which may never see the game.  May get the Mantic zombie horde too, as GW ones suck and the Mantic look really good.
As you can see, I went for shiny black armour with gold trim on Relictor.  he is a Priest after all, and looks a little like a chaplain ;-)

When I get the undead done, I may go back to these, adding some Retributors and Judicators as well as the 2 other heroes.  Still thinking of doing a guest army.  Will consider it more if we get some funding in place.  Will do a chaos power for each of us (coincidentally we are a core of 4). Will see what models my wife likes, and can then take one power each.  If we all aim for 1000 points (40k) with minimal overlap, it should work out awesome for both.  At the moment though I have priorities (thesis then venue) but afterwards we will see.

Happy gaming

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