Thursday, 2 June 2016

Work is Progressing

Big painting binge last night.  Got lots done (Yay!).  Hoping to get the little buggers ready for the weekend is still a huge pressure though lol.

The next stage was to paint the guns and to paint the guns and the trim/cuffs.  In this stage metal work on the swords was also done.  The trimmings were based blue, to match my other brits, all ready to be shaded.

After the base coat was dry, both the gun, and the blue trim were shaded with inks ready for the next part.  

The next stage will be to paint the water bottles and scabbards.  Once this is done it will be time to highlight the blue where required, and neaten up the white areas, and do the lace trim on the blue. After all that it will be the skin, hair and hat.

So here we have the water bottles and strapping done.  I also highlighted the leggings, as I had forgot about them lol.  The blue highlighted too.  I have decided it is more sensible to finish off the white, and give final touch ups to the red after everything else is done.  This way I can ensure the unit is neat read for the game.  I will hopefully have time to sand the bases, though as yet I am undecided on how to base them exactly.

The last stage for one night (as I am absolutely fecking knackered lol).  I gave a light highlight to the bater bottles and straps.  At this point I noticed the bottle tops, so I will do them when I do the waistcoat buttons towards the end (yes I also remembered them at about the same point lol).  The last painting for the evening was to base the hats, boots and banner poles black ready for tomorrow's painting session.

Time for bed I think lol.

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