Friday, 24 April 2015

Combined army expansion

Started work on expanding the newer combined army this week for the Paradiso Campaign and generally to have.  Have some more minis coming from Shae-Konit (a great bloke, heartily recommend his store) so they should be painted up soon (when I get the antenocitis bases for them)
This was the stage I got them to by this evening.  Things were looking sketchy to have them done on schedule (next week is the other models) but a friend cancelled tonight so I had a little extra time...
Here are the completed Batroids.  With bases done as well.  If you remember my friends Ariadna bases, I have the same only grimy and bloody as if the Ariadna forces had been removed from the bases lol.

Here is a close up of a couple of the Batroids 

And last, but by no means least, everyone's favourite Dr Worn M.D 

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