Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Looking for ideas for a new board

Having run demonstration games in Penarth show this year using the city board, I have decided to try to improve for next year's event.  There are several possible ideas so far, but I can't seem to commit lol.  I learned a lot making the last board, and the bolt action board, so I want to greatly improve for the next one, incorporating ideas garnered from the video battle reports as well.

Firstly, as WW2 is already very well represented there (this year about 80% maybe of games were WW2 in various scales it seemed) so it will probably be another infinity table,  I want the table to have consistent themes and represent a very lifelike and working location.  I would very much like the board to be either a little grittier or greener I think, and I would very much like the board to be playable for other scenarios.

Here goes for a brief list of the ideas banging around in my head so far...

This would take the standard urban type board, and replace all the road sections with waterways.  This will be the trickiest proposition I think, as getting balance with crossings may be tricky.  However, with the right style of building and plenty of bridges it may be doable.

Train Yard
Thinking of dividing the board diagonally with 2 trains running across it.  Either side and between these would have built up platforms.  The scenery types would include crates and storage as well as bridges and maybe a raised/split level area with stairs going up to it.  This will be quite an adventurous build, but should be easy to balance due to diagonal nature (and tags being able to leap the gaps lol)

Abandoned Suburb
This is my favourite idea so far.  A nice idyllic suburban-ish area, but with a twist.  Overgrown plant lif covering a great deal of the buildings, damage here and there to the road, and lots of green areas run amok.

Downtown Skyscrapers 
This will be very technical, but imagine a battle taking place on the 100th floor!  The board would have a couple of large internal playing areas, with balconies set below, and possibly the roves of lower buildings nearby.  There will be skywalks etc connecting elements of the board.  As for scenarios, the armoury is infinitely high, so having access on the 100th floor should be fine ;-)

Other ideas that are being considered at the moment are a large factory complex (like in T2)/oil rig, or a space ship/colony with corridors and rooms.  Both these will need further though though.  Would be nice to use some of the different terrain skills lol.

If anyone has any suggestions, or ideas for scenery I would much appreciate it.

Looking at some corporate HQ and city zone, maybe close to blade runner.  Can do the warehouse using the micro art mats so not really a great new board, and I may go for the spaceship later.

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