Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Painting the PanO hordes continues

Finished a few more PanO last night (as if I need any more of them lol). "The List" has been updated already.  I needed the Machinist for the first Paradiso mission, so he had to be painted, the hardest part was forcing myself to do it as the PanO support models are some of my lesser liked models in the range.  While I had the drive to do it (making the video reports is a godsend for this as without them I don't think I could have gathered enough momentum) I also did the Trauma Doc as I am sure she will be needed at some point as well.  

I also quickly painted a shuttle I got from eBay to add to the scenery for the mission (as PanO are supposed to have arrived by shuttle).  

I don't know what to do next for them...

Currently I am thinking of either doing some Auxilia (2+2 auxbots) or some other remotes (Maybe My Bulleteers).  I have MO to paint, but they are probably going to be painted later when I want to use them in a game.

I could use a break from PanO, maybe paint some Shasvastii I have had lurking for what seems like ages.  I can never decide on a skin tone for them though :-(

I will need some for the second paradiso mission I think so I may have to bite the bullet and paint them.  How do you guys motivate yourself to paint things you don't feel like?  I know my inability to think of colours is my mind creating an excuse to avoid the task.

Speaking of which, I am unhappy with my Tohaa colour scheme (I want something different as the cream and blue looks good but I am a little bored with painting blue and cream is very dominant in my new Aleph force), and want to change it.  In order to do that I need to:-

1. Think of a new scheme
2. Sell the current ones
3. Buy more Tohaa 

I am thinking at the moment dark reds, or the Orange and dark grey/black of some of the newer models.  I will need to get rid of the current ones first though, as I can't justify buying the same army twice at the moment (single figs yes - whole armies is a bit much) as I have easily over 300points of them.  I don't want to add to it until I decide what to do with it one way or the other.

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