After a long break, which I believe is justified as it was brought on by the following situations in real life:
- Writing up PhD Thesis
- Attending a conference in Munich to present work
- Preparing for PhD Viva Examination
- Moving house over the start of the new year
- Graduating from my PhD
- Getting a new job.
All of these have greatly reduced my hobby time over the past few months. However, we are gearing up to bring new content and videos as soon as we can.
Adding to the current content, we hope to include battle reports for the following games:
- Muskets and Tomahawks
- Force on Force
- Songs of Drums and Shakos/Tomahawks
- Saga
- This is not a test
- Frostgrave
- Black Ops
- Lion Rampant
- Warmaster Ancients
We are also looking into getting into Napoleonic gaming, if we can find a rule-set we like. At the moment, we are looking at Blucher in 6mm, and or Age of Eagles in 15mm. We also have Sharp Practice to read through.
We have enthusiastically planned several hobby projects that I hope to have time to go into here, provided my real-life workload doesn't prevent this. We have planned projects for the above games, which will hopefully be painted with WIP posts here, followed by gaming. We feel we played too much of certain games, and didn't diversify, therefore leading to us getting a little bit burned out. By cycling gaming projects we hope to avoid this.
The first project that I have started are a pair of forces for Muskets and Tomahawks. I plan on doing a British and a continental force, so this can be used for gaming ASAP. I will post details on that shortly. This project falls under our new outlook on wargames. Before, we have sought to have insane collections of one particular army/faction. This is good, but we think we have stumbled on a better way of doing things, at least for us. As it is often the case that one ore more of us gets over excited about a game/period/scale, it sometimes makes it awkward to get others as enthusiastic. This leads to delays, and projects not being completed. It is our goal now to make sure that we have at least two armies in each pet project before we expand. This means that as I am planning muskets and Tomahawks, I will ensure I have at least 2 basic armies, so others in the group can play the game before going insane and buying everything I can find for one force. If people want to get their own forces, then this is a bonus. Likewise, one of our group, Ceri, wants to do a couple of asymmetrical style Vietnam scenarios, or a campaign (probably using Force on Force). He will collect both sides for this campaign, with others jumping on if they want. In this way, if one (or more) of us have an exciting project, then we can all benefit from joining in, without the need for multiple redundant collections. If the period/system is popular, extra players joining in enables larger battles to be fought. It sounds complcated, but it works out much more cost efficient (I have sooooooo many Iron Hands (10k of HQ choices alone) that I will never be able to field them all without buying a basketball court to play on lol, if I had bought both sides from a campaign (a Forgeworld book for example) I would have spent less, and probably got more use out of them. To clarify the plan a little (I am busy typing this whilst drinking a coffee and working at the same time, very confusing) here is the current penciled in schedule for my projects (order may change lol)
- American War of Independece/Revolutionary war
- Aim to get 400 point of British troops and the same for the Continental Army
- Starting Forces consist of:
- 36 Light infantry plus Officer for the Crown
- 32 Provincial Troops, 14 Light Infantry, 2 Officers for the revolutionaries
- These forces will be expanded on (Britain will probably get a little more expansion) by the addition of cannon, mounted troops, Indians, more infantry, and whatever else takes my fancy.
- Warmaster Ancients
- WW2 (Either force on force, Chain of Command, or Bolt Action)
- About a platoon level of Early War 20mm French and German
- Black Ops
- A Counter Terrorist Team, some sort of criminal element, and a piece of terrain to fight over.
Obviously this plan may change (especially as I have to crowbar painting a Frostgrave warband for a game next week into there lol.