Saturday, 21 May 2016

Continental Infantry

As with the Brits, I intend to work through this part of the project by production-line painting.  The first stage will be assembly, followed by a sprayed base coat.  After assembling these guys, it seems a little more daunting than the Brits.  This is probably due to the increase number of models; this time I am painting almost 50 men.  Also, there is an increased number of colours to be painted on these.  My chosen colour scheme for the first batch at least will be blue with red trim/waistcoats, and natural coloured legging/gaitres.  Only time will tell if this is too ambitious.

After assembling all the minis yesterday (I forgot to take a pic sorry), I have now sprayed them blue ready for the painting to begin.

The first stage of painting, and the easiest to carry out was to shade the blue.  I used Army Painter "Blue Shade" to do this.

After the shading was dry, I highlighted back up to add some depth to the blue.  This is definitely the place to stop for one evening, as I am tired, and my wife wants to watch Game of Thrones (Ah, what would we do without DVR lol).

The Next step will be to start adding colour to break up the blue.

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