Sunday, 29 May 2016

Red Jackets Done!

Well, sorry to get your hopes up, but I meant that literally.  I have shaded and highlighted the Jackets on the Brits today.  I realised I don't like painting red anymore lol.  After the AWI is finished, it may be a long wait before I do the Napoleonic Brits.  I may paint some Rifles for use in SDS, as I think I can cope with dark green lol.   May expand it to a rifles force for use in Muskets and Tomahawks, for some of the TV style skirmishes.  Will see how that goes, but lets finish this project first lol.

Anyway, this morning I shaded the second lot of brits.  It was then house tidy time unfortunately.  I made sure to get them all inked before, so when I got some time afterwards they would be dry and ready to go lol.

I have ordered some movement trays for round bases, so I can move the units around easier (after the last game it became apparent this may be useful, especially for the larger units).  I have ordered some from Sarissa Precision and some from Sally 4th, so I can see which ones I like the most.  Then I will get some for each unit, and a few odd ones in case of emergency as it were.  Both do them in many sizes, but Sally 4th have irregularly shaped ones for skirmish troops as well.  I have ordered a few of these to give them a go as well.

After the afternoon of tidying the house, it was time to build up some red highlights.  By the end of this I was almost red blind.  It is like snow blindness, only everything takes on a strange red hue.  I wanna paint WW2 camo lol.  These bright colours are tricksy.

As you can see, these models will make up another block of men, this time they will be 36 Line Infantry (possibly with 'Elite' tag points allowing).  I have also used models from my spare command frame to build a few more officers.  I noticed from a few games that these are very useful in M&T, the +1 Reaction and the ability to give extra actions with the 'Forward Boys' card is really good (having been on the receiving end of a lucky card streak giving regulars 5 actions in a row (which were fire, reload, fire, reload,fire!)  I am never going to underestimate that lol).

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