Sunday, 11 January 2015

Bolt Action Battle Report

I am uploading a Bolt Action battle report as I type this.  We play the "Last Stand At Arnhem" scenario from BattleGround: Europe.  The battle has some tense moments (especially with the luck preliminary bombardment and the combat with umbrella!).

We fight at 1280 points as we decided to add some extra stuff.  We use John Frost, using the rules from Battleground: Europe and my new 4Ground building.  I am going to have to buy more of these, really solid and good quality.

The army lists used were...

British Paras 
All troops Veteran except the free observer 
John Frost with bugler
Flamethrower in jeep
6 pounder QF ATG
Recce Jeep with dual vickers
PIAT team
4 para squads with everything
Medic (who we decided added his morphine to the tea he was drinking as he never fixed anyone up)

German panzer grenadiers 
All regular except for officers who are veterans 
Leutnant with soldier
Hauptmann with soldier
3 panzer grenadier squares with assault rifles SMGs LMG 
3 Hanomags 
Sniper team
Mortar team (inexperienced) with spotter

Link here (when uploaded)

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