Sunday 4 January 2015

Bolt Action Painting Target

We plan on doing a bolt action battle report next week end, with British Paras vs Germans.  This all depends on whether or not I can get the stack of British infantry painted in time.  They are all sitting on the table at the moment, waiting to be sprayed.  I will try to take some pics during the process to keep you up to date.

My Paras consist of...

  • 4 Paratrooper Squads
  • 2 Platoon Leaders (1 with umbrella), both with buglers.
  • 2 Light mortars
  • 1 Medium Mortar
  • 2 MMGs
  • 2 PIAT Teams
  • 2 Sniper Teams
  • 1 Flamethrower Team
  • 1 Transport Jeep
  • 1 Recce Jeep with Dual Vickers
  • 1 6 pounder ATG
  • 1 Higher Commander with cup of tea (if model arrives)
Don't know how this is going to be fielded in the game, as it depends on the size game we are playing and my ability to meet a hobby target when I am out on Monday night lol.

I do have a Tetrarch as well, but that isn't on the target list for this week, it is waiting for the tank airbrushing binge.

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